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Alphabetical Order | Dictionary Use | Link English | HSEB/ NEB Old Questions

Dictionary Use

HSEB/ NEB Old Questions

a. Alphabetical Order

1. HSEB/ NEB 2076: Put the following words in correct alphabetical order.[3]

Gesture, gaseous, garret, gown, geese

2. HSEB/ NEB 2076: Put the following words in correct alphabetical order.[3] Priest, persist, plus, pneumonia, pad, pod

3. HSEB/ NEB 2075: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Badge, bang, barber, banner, bacteria, bail

4. HSEB/ NEB 2075: Put the following words in correct alphabetical order.[3]

Decent, decant, decay, debris, debrief, decamp

5. HSEB/ NEB 2075: Put the following words in correct alphabetical order.[3]

Context, contrary, contest, contaminate, contrast, continue

6. HSEB/ NEB 2075: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Contact, content, context, continue, continent, contest

7. HSEB/ NEB 2075: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Duly, dissect, downtown, diagram, dazzle, departure

8. HSEB/ NEB 2074: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Satire, Saturday, Saturn, sarcasm, surreal, socket

9. HSEB/ NEB 2074: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Examination, exemplary, exception, exertive, exciting, exhorted

10. HSEB/ NEB 2074: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Mechanical, mixer, mortal, manner, mute, mathematics

11. HSEB/ NEB 2074: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Monument, machine, major, most, much, mist

12. HSEB/ NEB 2073: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Singe, sour, sugar, sharp, sale, seek

13. HSEB/ NEB 2073: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Partial, Parthian, partisan, partner, partake, particular

14. HSEB/ NEB 2073: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Legitimate, legging, leghorn, leggy, legion, leger

15. HSEB/ NEB 2073: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Die, doe, durable, drive, dare, deer

16. HSEB/ NEB 2073: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Pigment, pigmy, piglet, piggery, piggy, pigiron

17. HSEB/ NEB 2072: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Sandstone, sandpit, sandman, sandpaper, sandtop, sandstorm

18. HSEB/ NEB 2072: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Eerie, edit, effect, edify, eel, edgy

19. HSEB/ NEB 2072: Arrange the words in alphabetical order.[3]

Cereal, celery, cease, cerise, Celsius, cello

20. HSEB/ NEB 2072: ] Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Adopt, adjust, adroit, adieu, add, adult

21. HSEB/ NEB 2072: Arrange the words in alphabetical order[3]

Enact, encourage, enclose, encyclopedia, enable, encroach

22. HSEB/ NEB 2071: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Pee, peck, penalty, pelmet, penetrate, penance

23. HSEB/ NEB 2071: Complete the following by writing an appropriate letter in each space.[2]

· “ Crucial” comes before “ crucible” because…………….comes before ………… the alphabet.

· “ Viscose’ comes before “ viscous” because ………….comes before…………in the alphabet.

24. HSEB/ NEB 2071: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Decent, decant, decay, decamp, debris, debrief

25.HSEB/ NEB   2071: Arrange the words in alphabetical order.[3]

Tendon, tentacle, tenacity, tender, tension, tenant

26. HSEB/ NEB 2071: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Concert, conceit, conclave, concerto, concur, concept

27. HSEB/ NEB 2070: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Anecdote, anchovy, android, anchor, ancillary, ancestral

28. HSEB/ NEB 2070: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Demand, dictate, design, draft, dwell, donate

29. HSEB/ NEB 2070: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Estate, eternity, establish, essay, estimate, essential

30. HSEB/ NEB 2070: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Negotiate, noble, nature, nursery, nymph, native

31. HSEB/ NEB  2069: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Posture, pure, pine, piety, pearl, pave

32. HSEB/ NEB 2069: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Quarter, queue, quote, queen, quart, quilt

33. HSEB/ NEB 2069: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Malpractice, malfunction, malignant, malformation, malinger, malnutrition

34. HSEB/ NEB 2068: Arrange the words in alphabetical order.[3]

Photo, photograph, photographer, photogenic, photosynthesis, photographed

35. HSEB/ NEB 2067: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Choir, choice, chocolate, cholera, chock, chop

36. HSEB/ NEB 2067: Arrange the words in alphabetical order.[3]

Neutralize, notorious, narcotic, nemesis, nebula, neutral

37. HSEB/ NEB 2066: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Schnook, scheme, schnoore, schism, schlep, schist

38. HSEB/ NEB 2066: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Public, punish, plural, plumber, pun, push

39. HSEB/ NEB 2065: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Contact, content, context, continue, continent, contest

40. HSEB/ NEB 2064: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Sit, swear, shower, suit, sat, swim

41. HSEB/ NEB 2063: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Examination, exemplary, exception, exertive, exciting, exhorted

42. HSEB/ NEB 2062: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Allude, aloof, alloy, allocate, allusion, alarm

43. HSEB/ NEB 2061: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Pole, poky, polka, poker, poke, Polaroid

44. HSEB/ NEB 2060: Put the following words in alphabetical order.[3]

Phone, picture, piece, picnic, phrase, pirate

45. HSEB/ NEB 2058: Complete the following sentences by writing an appropriate letter in each space. [5]

· “Choice” comes before “choose” because……….comes before ………in the alphabet.

· “Difference” comes before “different” because………..comes before………in the alphabet.

· “Disappear” comes before “disappoint” because……… comes before…… the alphabet.

· “Examination” comes before “examine” because……….comes before………in the alphabet.

· “Mainly” comes before “many” because ………….. comes before…………in the alphabet.

46. HSEB/ NEB 2057: Put the following lists of words into alphabetical order. [2]

· Disunite/disturb/disunity/disuse/district

· Retake/retain/retard/retouch/retail

47. HSEB/ NEB 2056: Complete the following sentences by putting an appropriate letter in the blank. [2]

· “Mellow” comes before “melody” because………..comes before………….

· “Sardine” comes before “sardonic” because …………. Comes before………..

See the Answers Below:

Also tagged Under:

 HSEB old Questions, NEB old Questions, Old is Gold, Old is Gold question bank, Class 11 old is gold, Class 11 English old questions, Old questions of class 11 English, Link English old questions of class 11, Class 11 old is gold question collection

Answers of Alphabetical Order | Dictionary Use | Link English | HSEB/ NEB Old Questions

Q. N
Alphabetical Order
Garret, gaseous, geese, gesture, gown
Pad, persist, plus, pneumonia, pod, priest
Bacteria, badge, bail, bang, banner, barber
Debrief, debris, decamp, decant, decay, decent
Contaminate, contest, context, continue, contrary, contrast
Contact, content, contest, context, continent, continue
Dazzle, departure, diagram, dissect, downtown, duly
Sarcasm, satire, Saturday, Saturn, socket, surreal
Examination, exception, exciting, exemplary, exertive, exhorted
Manner, mathematics, mechanical, mixer, mortal, mute
Machine, major, mist, monument, most, much
Sale, sharp, seek, singe, sour, sugar
Partake, Parthian, partial, particular, partisan, partner
Leger, legging, leggy, leghorn,  legion, legitimate
Dare, deer, die, doe, drive, durable
Piggery, piggy, pigiron,  piglet, pigment, pigmy
Sandman, sandpaper, sandpit, sandstone, sandstorm, sandtop
Edgy, edify, edit, eel, eerie, effect
Celery, cello, Celsius, cereal, cerise, ease
Add, adieu, adjust, adopt, adroit, adult
Enable, enact, enclose, encyclopedia, encourage, enroach
Peck, pee, pelmet, penalty, penance, penetrate
‘a’ comes before ‘b’. (ii) ‘s’ comes before ‘u’
Debrief, debris, decamp, decant, decay, decent
Tenacity, tenant, tender, tendon, tension, tentacle
Conceit, concept, concert, concerto, conclave, concur
Ancestral, anchor, ancillary, android, anecdote
Demand, denote, design, draft, dwell
Essay, essential, establish, estate, estimate, eternity
Native, nature, negotiate, noble, nursery, nymph
Pave, pearl, piety, pine, posture, pure
Quart, quarter, queen, queue, quilt, quote
Malformation, malfunction, malignant, malinger, malnutrition, malpractice
Photo, photogenic, photograph, photographed, photographer, photosynthesis
Chock, chocolate, choice, choir, cholera, chop
Narcotic, nebula, nemesis, neutral, neutralize, notorious
Scheme, schism, schist, schlep, schnook, schnoore
Plumber, plural, public, pun, punish, push
Contact, content, contest, context, continent, continue
Sat, shower, sit, suit, swear, swim
Examination, exception, exciting, exemplary, exertive, exhorted
Alarm, allocate, alloy, allude, allusion, aloof
Poke, poker, poky, Polaroid, pole, polka
Phone, phrase, picnic, picture, piece, pirate
‘I’ comes before ‘o’ (b) ‘c’ comes before ‘t’ (c) ‘e’ comes before ‘o’
(d) ‘a’ comes before ‘e’ (e) ‘I’ comes before ‘n’
District, disturb, disunite, disunity, disuse
Retail, retain, retake, retard, retouch
‘I’ comes before ‘o’ (ii)  ‘I’ comes before ‘o’


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