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Class 11 Business Studies Notes NEB New Syllabus


NEB Class 11  Business Studies New Curriculum and Syllabus Notes

In Nepal, the availability of comprehensive educational materials is critical for students continuing their studies. One such useful resource is the collection of notes and links on this page titled “NEB Class 11 Business Studies new curriculum and syllabus Notes.” This resource is a big step forward in integrating educational resources with the National Examination Board‘s (NEB) new curriculum and syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies. With the educational landscape continually changing, having quick access to up-to-date and appropriate study resources can substantially improve Nepalese students’ learning experience.

These notes and links serve as a link between classroom learning and self-study, allowing students to go deeper into the subject matter and more effectively grasp topics. As Nepal’s educational sector embraces advancements in technology and pedagogical methods, online resources like these notes contribute to fostering a more informed and academically empowered student community. Just click on the links to browse the notes.

Unit 1. Introduction to business

Unit 2. Business Idea Generation

Unit 3. Resource Mobilization

Unit 4. Forms of Business ownership

—— a. Sole Trading Concern

—— b. Partnership Firm

—— c. Company Business

—— d. Co-Operatives

—— e. Other Forms of Business Ownership

—— Difference between Sole Trading Concern and Partnership Firm

—— Difference between Partnership Firm and Joint Stock Business/ Company Business

—— Difference between Sole Trading Concern and Joint Stock Business/ Company Business

Unit 5. Business ethics and social responsibility

Unit 6. Risk and insurance

Unit 7. Taxation

Unit 8. Office management

Unit 9. Filing and Indexing


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