Comprehensive Passages HSEB/ NEB 2070 Old Questions of Compulsory English Class 11
HSEB/ NEB 2070: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. [5*2=10]
Experiments are sometimes made by experts to find out how many errors people make in their statements. Here is one experiment which was tried. Some students at a university were shown on a screen a picture of a bullfight. They were then asked to write a short account of what they had seen when this was finished, they were told to put a number on every statement made 1. If they were fairly sure about it, and 2, if they were prepared to swear to the statement on oath. Every student had at least a ten percent error in the statement on oath. Every student had at least ten percent error in the statements he was prepared to swear to an oath, and considerably more than ten percent in another group. Here, for example, was one mistake. A student saw the bull hat its tongue out. Yet when he was shown the picture again, he saw that the bull’s mouth was closed, but that, because is head turned to the side, the ear looked like the longue. So whenever you are arguing with someone about a point, remember that there is quite a good chance that you are wrong, however confident you feel about it.
i. What was the aim of the experiment tried at the university?
ii. What were the students shown on the screen?
iii. What were they asked to do when it was shown?
iv. What was the extent of horror in their statements?
v. What truth does this passage reveal?
HSEB/ NEB 2070: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. [5*2=10]
English has borrowed words from almost every language spoken. Anyone who doubts that claim should thumb through a dictionary that gives derivations checking the origin of words like a caravan, café, vodka, and alligator. English speakers have traveled to all the parts of the planet and found new objects and new ideas and very sensibly, taken the native words to describe them. Some of the borrowings have been more passive. The Viking raids of the tenth century and the Norman conquest led to great invasions of new words. The Vikings gave such words as sky and skirt while the Norman transformed the language with hundreds of words showing their cultural variety. Recently the dominant influence on our language has been the United States. The main reason for this dominance is probably the sharing of a common tongue which makes communication easy and any new word or expression is quickly recognized and acquired. In addition, The US is one of the major powers of the modern world which gives great status to its language to share in American prestige.
i. How does one know that English has borrowed words from almost every language?
ii. Why did English speakers borrow words from other languages?
iii. Write about two historical events that led to the borrowing of new words into the English language?
iv. Which country plays a dominant role in influencing British English?
v. Why do English language speakers prefer to use American English?
English has borrowed words from almost every language spoken. Anyone who doubts that claim should thumb through a dictionary that gives derivations checking the origin of words like a caravan, café, vodka, and alligator. English speakers have traveled to all the parts of the planet and found new objects and new ideas and very sensibly, taken the native words to describe them. Some of the borrowings have been more passive. The Viking raids of the tenth century and the Norman conquest led to great invasions of new words. The Vikings gave such words as sky and skirt while the Norman transformed the language with hundreds of words showing their cultural variety. Recently the dominant influence on our language has been the United States. The main reason for this dominance is probably the sharing of a common tongue which makes communication easy and any new word or expression is quickly recognized and acquired. In addition, The US is one of the major powers of the modern world which gives great status to its language to share in American prestige.
i. How does one know that English has borrowed words from almost every language?
ii. Why did English speakers borrow words from other languages?
iii. Write about two historical events that led to the borrowing of new words into the English language?
iv. Which country plays a dominant role in influencing British English?
v. Why do English language speakers prefer to use American English?
HSEB/ NEB 2070: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. [5*2=10]
There have been epidemics, even pandemics before, then why should AIDS be seen as such a special case, a problem with so many dimensions? To understand this, it is necessary to recognize the special features of this disease. The first ground of its uniqueness is that it combines two features not previously found together in quite such stark and absolute terms. These are, firstly, that it is most prominently a sexually transmitted complaint and, secondly, that it is a deadly disease lacking at present any medical means of prevention or cure. To expand these characteristics a little further, it is necessary to say that , in the case of this disease , a person, once infected, is infected for life but also infectious ; that this condition is without visibility effects for a number of years, during which a person becomes increasingly more, not less, infectious to others. ‘infectious’ however, is to be understood not in the sense of more modest illness, in which a disease may be easily passed from person to person in ordinary social contact, but in the sense that it is likely to be transmitted only in highly specific ways; sexual intercourse or blood to blood contamination. As far as the absence of a cure is concerned, it is important to stress that this is a virus infection. In the medical treatment of many other illnesses, the sufferer’s immune system itself overcomes the infection. But the AIDS virus destroys the natural immune system, so creating a problem that has never before been encountered.
i. Why is AIDS treated as a special case?
ii. What is so dangerous about AIDS?
iii. How AIDS get transmitted?
iv. How is AIDS different from other virus illnesses?
v. Why AIDS is considered to have a problem never before been encountered?
There have been epidemics, even pandemics before, then why should AIDS be seen as such a special case, a problem with so many dimensions? To understand this, it is necessary to recognize the special features of this disease. The first ground of its uniqueness is that it combines two features not previously found together in quite such stark and absolute terms. These are, firstly, that it is most prominently a sexually transmitted complaint and, secondly, that it is a deadly disease lacking at present any medical means of prevention or cure. To expand these characteristics a little further, it is necessary to say that , in the case of this disease , a person, once infected, is infected for life but also infectious ; that this condition is without visibility effects for a number of years, during which a person becomes increasingly more, not less, infectious to others. ‘infectious’ however, is to be understood not in the sense of more modest illness, in which a disease may be easily passed from person to person in ordinary social contact, but in the sense that it is likely to be transmitted only in highly specific ways; sexual intercourse or blood to blood contamination. As far as the absence of a cure is concerned, it is important to stress that this is a virus infection. In the medical treatment of many other illnesses, the sufferer’s immune system itself overcomes the infection. But the AIDS virus destroys the natural immune system, so creating a problem that has never before been encountered.
i. Why is AIDS treated as a special case?
ii. What is so dangerous about AIDS?
iii. How AIDS get transmitted?
iv. How is AIDS different from other virus illnesses?
v. Why AIDS is considered to have a problem never before been encountered?
HSEB/ NEB 2070: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. [5*2=10]
Suppose that you are considering whether to become a vegetarian. You might consider this issue for at least two different sets of reasons. On the one hand, you might feel this is essentially a moral issue- about the rights and wrongs of treating animals in a particular way and eating them. Or you might see it mainly as a health issue- about the benefits and health risks associated with eating meat. Of course, you might think both sets of considerations are relevant, but it is very common for people to adopt one perspective or the other. The point is that you need to be as clear as possible about the background to the decision, the assumption which lies in the background, the context and so on if you are to weigh the case wisely. Although the models of good decision making often fail to mention this requirement explicitly, it is implicit and getting clear about why a decision is necessary helps to focus one’s thinking.
Sometimes being clear about why a decision is necessary means identifying a problem and sometimes it will require you to think carefully about objectives – what you or others want to achieve. So for example, if you are considering which university to attend, you might realize you know very little about the institutions you could attend, so that is a problem. Alternatively someone might advise you to apply for university A ‘because that is the most prestigious place for the subjects in which you are interested’, but you may feel that this is not necessarily right for you, so you may need to think carefully about what you want to get from your university education, what you are looking for – what your objectives are.
i. Give two reasons why you want to become a vegetarian?
ii. What do you mean by health issues?
iii. Why do you need to be as clear as possible about the background to the decision?
iv. What is a problem if you are considering which university to attend?
v. Give a suitable title for the passage.
Suppose that you are considering whether to become a vegetarian. You might consider this issue for at least two different sets of reasons. On the one hand, you might feel this is essentially a moral issue- about the rights and wrongs of treating animals in a particular way and eating them. Or you might see it mainly as a health issue- about the benefits and health risks associated with eating meat. Of course, you might think both sets of considerations are relevant, but it is very common for people to adopt one perspective or the other. The point is that you need to be as clear as possible about the background to the decision, the assumption which lies in the background, the context and so on if you are to weigh the case wisely. Although the models of good decision making often fail to mention this requirement explicitly, it is implicit and getting clear about why a decision is necessary helps to focus one’s thinking.
Sometimes being clear about why a decision is necessary means identifying a problem and sometimes it will require you to think carefully about objectives – what you or others want to achieve. So for example, if you are considering which university to attend, you might realize you know very little about the institutions you could attend, so that is a problem. Alternatively someone might advise you to apply for university A ‘because that is the most prestigious place for the subjects in which you are interested’, but you may feel that this is not necessarily right for you, so you may need to think carefully about what you want to get from your university education, what you are looking for – what your objectives are.
i. Give two reasons why you want to become a vegetarian?
ii. What do you mean by health issues?
iii. Why do you need to be as clear as possible about the background to the decision?
iv. What is a problem if you are considering which university to attend?
v. Give a suitable title for the passage.
HSEB/ NEB 2070: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. [5*2=10]
Mary is a famous footballer in the USA. She wants to be the best footballer in the world; so every day she has a hard training routine. Every morning she gets up at 5 A.M and goes running, she eats a large breakfast. At 8 A.M she practices football with her teacher when the practice end, four hours later the whole team eats lunch together.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon Mary goes swimming. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays she goes cycling with her friends. Although Mary prefers cycling to swim, playing football is her favorite activity. On Sundays, Mary does not have to train. She usually spends the day visiting her family. Sunday is Mary’s favourite day because she likes talking to her mother.
i. What does Mary want to become?
ii. How long is Mary’s football practice?
iii. How often does Mary go swimming?
iv. Why does Mary like Sundays?
v. What is Mary’s favorite activity?
Mary is a famous footballer in the USA. She wants to be the best footballer in the world; so every day she has a hard training routine. Every morning she gets up at 5 A.M and goes running, she eats a large breakfast. At 8 A.M she practices football with her teacher when the practice end, four hours later the whole team eats lunch together.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon Mary goes swimming. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays she goes cycling with her friends. Although Mary prefers cycling to swim, playing football is her favorite activity. On Sundays, Mary does not have to train. She usually spends the day visiting her family. Sunday is Mary’s favourite day because she likes talking to her mother.
i. What does Mary want to become?
ii. How long is Mary’s football practice?
iii. How often does Mary go swimming?
iv. Why does Mary like Sundays?
v. What is Mary’s favorite activity?
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