Comprehensive Passages HSEB/ NEB 2076 Old Questions | English Class 11

Comprehensive Passages HSEB/ NEB 2076  Old Questions of English Class 11

1. HSEB/ NEB 2076: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. [5*2=10]

Newspapers are a great power in themselves. They are a great power to be reckoned with so much so that even every mighty and influential person in politics, industries, or social life can’t dare to face their hostility. Their freedom and power are of vital significance in democratic countries. They work as the watchdogs of democracy, human rights, and individual freedom. They fill the gap between the public and the government and administration by working as a bridge and meaningful means of dialogue.

They are not only one of the mass media but much more. They keep the public informed about the policies, programs, and planning of the government and record the people’s reactions, views, opinions, etc. They help in making a public opinion as nothing else can do. Personal freedom is the essence of democracy and it is reflected in the freedom and influence of the press and the newspapers. Newspapers should have full freedom to criticize, condemn, warn, encourage, and appreciate the working of the governments based on their merit. It is the vigilant and investigative journalism and brave fearless and daring newspapers which have exposed many scandals, scams, misdeeds, and corruption of the governments throughout the globe.


i. What is the function of newspapers in a democratic country?

ii. Name the different types of people on whom newspapers exercise power.

iii. How do the newspapers help the public?

iv. What type of freedom do the newspapers should have?

v. How have the newspapers worked and what have they exposed throughout the globe? 

2. HSEB/ NEB 2076: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. [5*2=10]

Women’s rights, as a term, typically refers to the freedoms inherently possessed by women and girls of all age, which may be institutionalized, ignored, or illegitimately suppressed by law, custom, and behavior in a particular society. These liberties are grouped together and differentiated from broader notions of human rights because they often differ from the freedoms inherently possessed by recognized for men and boys and because of activitism surrounding his issue claims and inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women.

Feminism and most modern sociological theory maintain that the difference between men and women are, at least in part, socially constructed ‘differences’ ( that is determined through history by specific human groups) rather than biologically determined, immutable conditions.

Issues commonly associated with the notion of women’s rights include the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to vote; to hold public office; to equal pay; to own property; to education, etc.


i. What does the term ‘women’s right’ generally, refer to?

ii. What do feminism and sociological theory agree?

iii. What are the rights of women, according to the speaker?

iv. According to the text, are the differences between men and women totally biological? Explain

v. Write two words from the passage which could be a suitable title.

3. HSEB/ NEB 2076: Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow. [5*2=10]

The excessive use of intoxications is likely to be injurious to all the parts of the body, rendering the drinker less fit to do his share of work as a worker and citizen. Its effect on the brain and nervous system is to make the individual think only of himself regardless of others. It makes him talkative, quarrelsome inclined to break the ordinary laws which govern social life, heedless of the passing of time. It makes him clumsy in speed and action; it sends him into a long heavy sleep.

It has been abundantly proved that heavy drinkers are less able to withstand fatigue, long hours of labor, special strain of one kind or other than total abstainers.

Insurance offices exact less premium from total abstainers than from others because it has been proved that, generally speaking, total abstainers live longer than other people working and living under similar conditions.

The effects of heavy drinking not only injure a man’s body and his moral character but also bring hardship and misery to his family. The unhappy children of drunken parents live wretched lives.


i. What is the effect of the excessive use of intoxications on the body?

ii. How do total abstainers differ from heavy drinkers?

iii. Why do insurance companies exact higher premiums from habitual drinkers?

iv. What are the other evil effects of heavy drinking?

v. What would be the suitable title for the given passage?

4. HSEB/ NEB 2076: Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow. [5*2=10]

We have seen that during the last ninety years, immense strides have been made in the direction of providing increased facilities for transport, communication, entertainment, and sad to say the destruction of life and property. Whether, as a result of improvements, human life has been made more secure or more desirable is a question that cannot be easily answered.

Children may not be greatly interested in the discussion as to whether the Machine age has assisted or impeded the progress of the human race. They are faced with the fact that the machine age, with its triumphs and disappointments, its conquests, and defeats, is the influence that has molded their lives.

The question which more directly concerns them, and which will involve the future of themselves and their generation is to what end will they direct their powers. Fields of the additional experiment, triumph, and conquest, are abundant. There are enormous possibilities for advancement, but unfortunately, our experience has taught us that advancement does not necessarily imply progress. We have learned that the great necessity for the very existence of civilized humanity is a better understanding among the nations. We believe that advancement in this direction is the surest way to human progress and happiness. We trust the children of today will profit from this legacy of our experience.


i. In what direction have immense strides been made during the last ninety years?

ii. How has human life been today?

iii. What has the machine age done?

iv. What is the question which directly concerns us?

v. What has our experience taught us?

COmprehensive Passages HSEB NEB Old Questions

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