Business Communications - Old Questions
Class 11 Business Studies HSEB NEB Old Questions
Important Questions of Business Studies Class 11
Business Communication
Short Answer Questions1. 2076: Show the importance of communication in business.[8]
2. 2076: Explain the external source of communication.[8]
3. 2075: Explain the internal and external source of office information.[4+4]
4. 2073: What do you mean by business communication? Show its importance.[3+5]
5. 2070: Explain clearly about the structure of a good business letter.[8]
6. 2068, 2058: Give a general outline of the structure of a business letter.[8]
7. 2067: Explain clearly about the structure of a business letter.[8]
8. 2066: What are the essential qualities of correspondence? Explain [8]
9. 2064: Describe the structure of a business letter.[8]
10. 2059: What are the essential qualities of correspondence? Explain [8]
11. 2057: Explain clearly about the structure of a good business letter.[8]
Drafting of Business letters
12. 2076: Draft an application letter in English for the post of Human Relations Officer required to the Everest Bank of Nepal.[8]
13. 2076: Draft an application letter in English for the post of storekeeper in Gorkhapatra Sansthan.[8]
14. 2075: Draft an application letter in English to the hotel manager for the vacant post of a hotel boy in Sagarmatha hotel, Pokhara.[8]
15. 2075: On behalf of Koshi Supplier, draft a letter of complaint in English to the Everest Company, Kathmandu about the delay of supply of the products,[8]
16. 2075: Draft an application letter in English for the post of accountant in response to the advertisement of Nepal bank ltd. , Kathmandu, in the Gorkhapatra Daily of march 10, 2018.[8]
17. 2074: Draft an enquiry letter in English to A one Trading Concern Kathmandu on behalf of Gandaki Trading concern about their new products and method of doing business.[8]
18. 2074: Draft an application letter in English to the human resource manager of investment bank, Kathmandu for the vacant post of cashier.[8]
19. 2073: Draft an application letter in English to the HR manager of Himalayan Carpet Industry, Kathmandu applying for the post of Marketing manager with your complete curriculum vitae.[8]
20. 2073: Draft an application letter in English to the human resource manager of Nepal Airlines for the post of Account Officer giving your full bio data.[8]
21. 2073: Draft an application letter in English to the personnel manager of Nepal Airlines Corporation for the post of senior accounts officer along with your credentials.[8]
22. 2072: Draft an application letter in English to the human resource manager of XYZ telephone company, Kathmandu , applying for the post of IT officer giving your full biodata.[8]
23. 2072: Draft an application letter in English to the managing director of Budhha Electronics company, Kathmandu, applying for the post of supervisor.[8]
24. 2072: Draft a complaint letter in English to the sales manager of Butwal store for the supply of 20 defective fans and 10 damaged bulbs.[8]
25. 2071: Draft a complaint letter in English to Birat stores, Dhangadhi for supplying poor quality rice.[8]
26. 2071: Draft an application letter in English to the personnel manager of Nepal bank ltd. , New road, applying for the post of Account Assistant giving your qualification, age and experience.[8]
27. 2071: Draft an application letter in English to the personnel manager of Nepal Airlines Corporation , New road, applying for the post of Account Assistant giving your qualification, age and experience.[8]
28. 2070: Write an enquiry letter in English to ABC company Balaju for purchasing 100 units transformer.[8]
29. 2070: Write an application letter in English for the post of accounts officer in Nepal bank limited.[8]
30. 2069: Draft an application letter in English for the post of office assistant in response to advertisement of Ashoka college, Butwal in Republica Daily of January 20, 2012.[8]
31. 2068: Write a letter in English to M/S Aaditya pustak bhandar placing an order for 500 copies of Business Studies and 400 copies of Economics books.[8]
32. 2067: In response to the advertisement published in “The Rising Nepal” on april 5,2010, draft an application letter in English to National Energy Co. ltd., Kathmandu for the post of Computer Assistant.[8]
33. 2066: Draft an order letter in English on behalf of Rashtriya Management Sec. school to the jamuna books distributors of chandani chowk, New Delhi for the following books:[8]
a. Business Studies = Ramchandra Malhotra- 20 copies
b. Fundamentals of marketing- Abhay Shukla-20 copies
c. ABC of business correspondence – N.S Grewal – 20 copies
34. 2066: Draft an application letter in English to the personnel manager, Yeti Airlines, Kathmandu for the post of accounts officer.[8]
35. 2065: Draft a complaint letter in English to M/S hamro computers ltd. Stating a complete damage of 10 computers against 50 computers sent on January 10,2008.[8]
36. 2064: Based on the Quotation received on March 30, 2007, draft and order letter in English on behalf of M/S link ltd. of biratnagar to M/S connect ltd. of Kathmandu for 10 each, latest model of computers and printers of Epson brand.[8]
37. 2062: Draft an application letter in English to the personnel manager, NIDC, Kathmandu for the post of a computer officer advertised in the Kathmandu post.[8]
38. 2061: Draft a complaint letter on behalf of M/S Makalu Trade Concern, Kathmandu to its supplier M/S Annapurna trade link regarding the damaged goods received as against the order dated 30th January 2005.[8]
39. 2060: Write an application letter in English to the personnel manager, Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) for the post of computer assistant.[8]
40. 2059: Draft a complaint letter in English on behalf of M/S sagarmatha concern, Kathmandu, regarding the receipt of one damaged box containing 15 electric fans with invoice no. 009 from your supplier M/S Delhi Electronics, New Delhi, india.[8]
41. 2058: Draft an application letter in English to the personnel manager of Nepal Bangladesh Bank ltd. for the post of an office assistant quoting the advertisement published in the Rising Nepal, daily, dated march 15, 2001.[8]
42. 2057: Draft an order letter in English for the supply of 10 units of IBM compatible personal computer and 10 units of LX600 Epson printer as per the price quoted in the previous letter to M/S everest computer house, Kathmandu .[8]
Long Answer Questions
43. 2072: What is business communication? What are the sources of information? Discuss.[6+12]
44. 2071: Define communication and discuss its various types.[8+10]
45. 2070: Discuss the internal and external sources of information in business.
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