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Risk and Insurance | Elements of Finance Class XI HSEB NEB Old Questions

Elements of Finance Class XI HSEB NEB Old Questions

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Risk and Insurance Class XI HSEB NEB Old Questions
Risk and Insurance: Class XI HSEB NEB Old Questions

Risk and Insurance Class XI HSEB NEB Old Questions

1. 2076: Write in brief about insurance and explain its features.[3+4]

2. 2076: Describe the principles of insurance.[5]

3. 2075: Define insurance. Describe about any three principles of insurance.[3+5]

4. 2075: Define risk. Differentiate between pure and speculative risk.[3+4]

5. 2075: Define risk management. Also write the techniques of risk management.[2+6]

6. 2075: Write the meaning of reinsurance and explain its objectives.[2+5]

7. 2074,2070: Write the meaning of reinsurance and explain its objectives.[2+5]

8. 2074,2067: Define risk. Differentiate between subjective and objective risk.[3+4]

9. 2073: Explain about the nature of risk.[7]

10. 2073: State the principles of insurance. Describe about any three principles of insurance.[3+5]

11. 2073: Define insurance. Write the primary functions of insurance in brief.[3+5]

12. 2073: What is risk management? State its objectives.[3+4]

13. 2072: Show your acquaintance with the insurable risk.[7]

14. 2072: Define insurance. Write the features of an insurance contract.[8]

15. 2072: What is risk? Write about the nature of risk.[8]

16. 2072: What is insurance? Write the benefits from insurance to an individual and the society.[7]

17. 2072: Explain main types of risk.[8]

18. 2072: What is insurance? Write its features.[7]

19. 2071: Write in brief about objective risk and subjective risk with suitable examples. Also write the objectives of risk management.[5+3]

20. 2071: State the features of insurance. Explain the nature of insurable risk.[4+3]

21. 2070: What is risk? Write about the nature of risk.[8]

22. 2070: Write in brief about cost and management of Risk.[3.5+3.5]

23. 2070: What is insurance contract? Write the essential features of Insurance contract.[3+5]

24. 2069: Describe the essential elements of risk. List the different classes of risk.[3+5]

25. 2069: Describe the features of insurance. Also, list the objectives of reinsurance.[4+3]

26. 2069: Define insurance. Write the features of an insurance contract.[8]

27. 2069: Write the functions of insurance.[7]

28. 2068: What is the meaning of management of Risk? Write about the process of risk management.[3+5]

29. 2068: Write about 3 principles of insurance.[7]

30. 2067: What is risk? How the risk can be managed? [3+4]

31. 2067: Write the benefits of insurance.[8]

32. 2067: Clarify the meaning of insurance. List its 3 benefits.[4+3]

33. 2066: What are the principles of insurance?[8] 2066: What is insurance? List 4 features of insurance.[3+4


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